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Daftar 40 Orang Terkaya di Indonesia 2009

Berikut adalah Daftar 40 Orang Terkaya di Indonesia 2009, jika anda ingin kaya maka setidaknya harus mencontoh mereka, jika anda butuh uang maka belajarlah dari paman-paman gober yang ini :)

Ini dia, daftar 40 orang terkaya di indonesia. Ternyata Bakrie merosot jauh dari posisi pertama. Asyik yach, posisi orang terkaya ganti-ganti terus. Biar gak bosen...
1. Sukanto Tanoto (Tan Kang Hoo) - CEO Raja Garuda Mas (RGM), 2.8 Billion $, Age 58. Saat ini perusahaannya RGM International masih bergerak dalam bidang produksi kertas, minyak kelapa dan sumber daya energi.
2. Putera Sampoerna - Sampoerna Tbk, 2.1 Billion $, Age 58
Produksi rokok kretek ketiga terbesar sebelum kemudian sahamnya
dikuasai oleh Philip Morris.
3. Eka Tjipta Widjaja & family – Sinar Mas, 2.0 billion $, Age 80
4. Rachman Halim & family - Gudang Garam, 1.8 Billion $, Age 59
Saat ini pabrik rokok merk Gudang Garam merupakan yang terbesar di Indonesia.
5. R. Budi Hartono & family - Djarum, 1.4 Billion $, Age 64
Mempunyai pabrik rokok kretek merek Djarum, yang juga diekspor ke luar negeri.
6. Aburizal Bakrie & family - Bakrie Group, 1.2 Billion $, Age 59
Saat ini bergerak di bidang infrastruktur.
7. Eddy William Katuari & family - Wings Group, 1.0 Billion $, Age 60
Usaha sabun cuci detergen merek Wing. Juga saat ini bergerak dibidang
penjualan kebutuhan rumah tangga. Juga dalam bidang real estate dan kimia.
8. Trihatma Haliman - Agung Podomoro, 900 Million $, Age 54
Bergerak di bidang real estate developer antara lain komplek perumahan dan apartemen Agung Podomoro.Juga bergerak dibidang retail.
9. Arifin Panigoro - Medco Energy International, 815 Million $, Age 61
Memiliki perusahaan minyak Medco Energy International, dan juga bergerak di bidang pengeboran minyak di Sumatera Selatan.
10. Liem Sioe Liong & family - Bogasari, Indomobil, Indofood, etc ; 800 Million $,Age 91
Membangun Salim Group dalam usaha di bidang makanan, pelayaran dan semen.
Memiliki Bank Central Asia dan Bank First Pacific.
11. Mochtar Riady & family – Banking, 570 Million $, Age 76
Penerbit majalah Forbes edisi Indonesia, juga membeli bank – bank yang sudah sekarat.
12. Peter Sondakh – Rajawali Group, 530 Million $, Age 54
Pemegang saham terbesar Rajawali Group bergerak dalam bidang telekomunikasi,
bahan-bahan keperluan rumah tangga, transportasi dan perhotelan.
13. Prajogo Pangestu – 510 Million $, Age 55
Usaha dalam bidang hasil hutan, perkayuan dan logging.
14. Martua Sitorus – Wilmar International, 475 Million $, Age 46
Dijuluki sebagai Raja minyak kelapa. Perusahaannya Wilmar International merupakan pabrik minyak kelapa
terbesar di Asia. Juga bergerak di dalam bidang perdagangan.
15. Paulus Tumewu – Department Store Ramayana, 440 Million $, Age 54
Pemilik Department Store Ramayana, sejak 1978.
16. Murdaya Poo and Siti Hartati Cakra – Murdaya Groups, 430 Million $, Age 65 and 60
Pemilik Murdaya Group yang dikenal juga dengan nama Berca Group di tahun 1990. Konglomerat dalam bidang perkayuan dan agen sepatu Sneakers.
17. Husein Djojonegoro & family – ABC Groups, 360 Million $, Age 57
Pemilik ABC Group, bergerak di bidang pabrik anggur, makanan, pasta gigi dan baterai.
18. Chairul Tanjung – 310 Million $, Age 44
Para Group yang bergerak di bidang jasa-jasa finansiel, penyiaran, property dan energi.
19. Hadi Surya – Berlian Ladju, 305 Million $, Age 70
Usaha kapal tanker dengan nama Berlian Ladju dengan armada sebanyak 50 kapal tanker.
20. Tan Kian – Hotel, 300 Million $, Age 48
Ikut memiliki Marriott Hotel dan Ritz Carlton Hotel dan mendirikan Pacific Place sebuah komplek pertokoan dan proyek hotel.
21. Sjamsul Nursalim – Gajah Tunggal, 295 Million $, Age 64
Pemilik Group Gajah Tunggal, bergerak di bidang produksi ban mobil, usaha bank
dan pertambangan.
22. George and Sjakon Tahija – Financial, 265 Million $, Age 48
23. Edwin Soeryadjaya - Astra International, 230 Million $, Age 57
Ikut mendirikan Saratoga Investama Sedaya. Anak dari William Soeryadjaya perakit mobil Astra International yang dijualnya pada tahun 1992. Berencana mendirikan pabrik pembangkit tenaga listrik.
24. Kartini Muljadi and Dian Paramita Tamzil – Tempo Scan Pacific, 225 Million $
Memiliki pabrik obat Tempo Scan Pacific di tahun 1982 bersama adik perempuan bernama Tamzil. Muljadi saat ini pensiun tapi masih sebagai penasehat hukum. Tamzil adalah Presiden dari Tempo Scan.
25. Harjo Sutanto & family – Wings Group, 220 Million $
Mendirikan Wings group di tahun 1948 dengan Johannes Ferdinand Katuari. Bersama keluarga diperkirakan memiliki 25% dari usaha di bidang bahan kebutuhan sehari-hari dan bidang distribusi.
26. Soegiharto Sosrodjojo – Sosro Group, 215 Million $, Age 72
Pemilik Teh Botol Sosro
27. Tan Siong Kie – Rodamas Group, 200 Million $, Age 90
Pendiri Rodamas Group in tahun 1960 yang mendistribusikan barang elektronik, alat pendingin dan kimia. Sekarang bergerak juga di bidang makanan dan perbankan.
28. Aksa Mahmud – 195 Million $, Age 61
Sekarang bergerak di bidang energi, infrastruktur.
29. Soetjipto Nagaria - Summarecon Agung, 150 Million $, Age 66
Mendirikan kompleks perumahan mewah di Jakarta Utara dengan usaha bernama
Summarecon Agung.
30. Ciputra & family – Ciputra Group, 145 Million $, Age 74
Pemilik Ciputra Group yang membangun perumahan mewah disekitar lapangan terbang
di Jakarta. Saat ini juga bergerak di bidang real estate di Jakarta, Surabaya dan Hanoi.
31. Kris Wiluan – 140 Million $, Age 56
Mula-mula usaha penyediaan pipa-pipa untuk konstruksi di Singapore dan Pulau Batam di tahun 1970. Saat ini juga bergerak di bidang turisme, transportasi dan property.
32. Sutanto Djuhar & family – 135 Million $, Age 77
Mantan mitra bisnis dari Liem Sioe Liong dari Salim Group. Salah satu Dewan Komisaris dari Bank First Pacific dimana ia memiliki 10 persen saham.
33. Husein Sutjiadi – 120 Million $, Age 52
Sebagai pedagang cocoa lalu berpindah ke bidang produksi dan export cocoa dimana dia membeli 26% saham di Davomas.
34. Boenjamin Setiawan & family – Kalbe Farma, 115 Million $
Salah seorang pendiri industri obat Kalbe Farma dan bergadung dengan Dankos Labs
untuk membentuk perusahan obat terbesar di Asia Tenggara.
35. Tomy Winata - Agung Sedayu, 110 Million $, Age 48
Pemegang saham Artha Graha Bank dan usaha property Agung Sedayu.
36. Jusuf Kalla – Kalla Group, 105 Million $, Age 64
Pemimpin dari Kalla Group. Bergerak di bidang engineering, property, konstruksi dan
telekomunikasi. Saat ini sebagai Ketua Umum dari Partai Golkar dan menjabat
sebagai Wakil Presiden Republik Indonesia.
37. Soedarpo Sastrosatomo & family – Samudera Indonesia, 100 Million $, Age 86
Pendiri dari perusahaan pelayaran Samudra Indonesia yang saat ini merupakan perusahaan pelayaran terbesar di Indonesia.
38. Alim Markus & family – Maspion Group, 95 Million $, Age 55
Ayah dan pamannya pendiri dari Maspion Group di tahun 1962 yang mula mula membuat alat-alat dapur dari aluminum. Juga mengembangkan usaha ke bidang pembuatan alat-alat rumah tangga dari bahan plastic dan gelas.
39. Jakob Oetama – Kompas Media Group, 90 Million $, Age 75
Pendiri suratkabar Indonesia dengan nama Kompas di tahun 1965 dan berkembang sampai saat ini menjadi Kompas Gramedia group sebagai usaha penerbitan terbesar diIndonesia.
40. Tjandra Kusuma – Mulia Group, 80 Million 4
Mulai usaha dengan Eka Tjandranegara mendirikan Mulia Group di tahun 1980 dan sekarang memimpin Mulia Land yang membangun kompleks pertokoan terbesar di Jakarta dengan nama Mulia Industrindo yang juga memproduksi ceramic dan gelas.

Berikut disambung dengan daftar 10 orang terkaya di dunia

Yeah… akhirnya Bill Gates kembali ke singgasananya jadi orang terkaya di dunia setelah beberapa saat digeser Warren Buffett. Well…, seperti dikutip dari forbes.com tanggal 11-03-2009 ada perubahan daftar peringkat orang terkaya di dunia…
Berikut Daftar2nya:
1. William Gates III

Net Worth : $40.0 bil
Fortune : self made
Source : Microsoft
Age : 53
Country Of Citizenship : United States
Residence : Medina, Washington
Industry : Software
Education : Harvard University, Drop Out,
Marital Status : married, 3 children
Software visionary regains title as the world’s richest man despite losing $18 billion in the past 12 months. Stepped down from day-to-day duties at Microsoft last summer to devote his talents and riches to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Organization’s assets were $30 billion in January; annual letter lauds endowment manager Michael Larson for limiting last year’s losses to 20%. Gates decided to increase donations in 2009 to $3.8 billion, up 15% from 2008. Dedicated to fighting hunger in developing countries, improving education in America’s high schools and developing vaccines against malaria, tuberculosis and AIDS. Appointed Microsoft Office veteran Jeffrey Raikes chief exec of Gates Foundation in September. Gates remains Microsoft chairman. Sells shares each quarter, redeploys proceeds via investment vehicle Cascade; more than half of fortune invested outside Microsoft. Stock down 45% in past 12 months. “Creative capitalist” wants companies to match profitmaking with doing good.
2. Warren Buffett

Net Worth : $37.0 bil
Fortune : self made
Source : Berkshire Hathaway
Age : 78
Country Of Citizenship : United States
Residence : Omaha, Nebraska
Industry : Investments
Education : University of Nebraska Lincoln, Bachelor of Arts / Science, Columbia University, Master of Science
Marital Status : widowed, remarried, 3 children
Last year America’s most beloved investor was the world’s richest man. This year he has to settle for second place after losing $25 billion in 12 months. Shares of Berkshire Hathaway down 45% since last March. Injected billions of dollars into Goldman Sachs, GE in exchange for preferred stock last fall; propped up insurance firm Swiss Re in February with $2.6 billion infusion. Admits he made some “dumb” investment mistakes in 2008. Upbeat about America’s future: “Our economic system has worked extraordinarily well over time. It has unleashed human potential as no other system has, and it will continue to do so.” Scoffs at Wall Street’s over-reliance on “history-based” models: “If merely looking up past financial data would tell you what the future holds, the Forbes 400 would consist of librarians.” Son of Nebraska politician delivered newspapers as a boy. Filed first tax return at age 13, claiming $35 deduction for bicycle. Studied under value investing guru Benjamin Graham at Columbia. Took over textile firm Berkshire Hathaway 1965. Today holding company invested in insurance (Geico, General Re), jewelry (Borsheim’s), utilities (MidAmerican Energy), food (Dairy Queen, See’s Candies). Also has noncontrolling stakes in Anheuser-Busch, Coca-Cola, Wells Fargo.
3. Carlos Slim Helu & family

Net Worth :$35.0 bil
Fortune : self made
Source : telecom
Age : 69
Country Of Citizenship : Mexico
Residence : Mexico City
Industry : Telecommunications
Education : NA,
Marital Status : widowed, 6 children
Economic downturn and plunging peso shaved $25 billion from the fortune of Latin America’s richest man. Global recession testing his ability to live up to the principles he sets for his employees: “Maintain austerity in times of fat cows.” Son of a Lebanese immigrant bought fixed line operator Telefonos de Mexico (Telmex) in 1990; now controls 90% of Mexico’s telephone landlines. Would be a billionaire based on his dividends alone. Biggest holding: $16 billion stake in America Movil, Latin America’s largest mobile phone company with 173 million customers. America Movil and Telmex reportedly planning to jointly invest $4 billion to bolster telecom infrastructure in Latin America. Buying up cheap media, energy and retail assets. Last year took stakes in New York Times Co., former billionaire Anthony O’Reilly’s Independent News & Media and Bronco Drilling; also increased position in Saks. Baseball statistics aficionado, art collector.
4. Lawrence Ellison

Net Worth : $22.5 bil
Fortune : self made
Source : Oracle
Age : 64
Country Of Citizenship : United States
Residence : Redwood City, California
Industry : Software
Education : University of Illinois, Drop Out,
Marital Status : married, 2 children>>
Database titan continues to engulf the competition; Oracle has racked up 49 acquisitions in the past 4 years. Bought BEA Systems for $8.5 billion last year. Still sitting on $7 billion in cash. Revenues up 11% to $10.9 billion in the six months ended November 30; profits also up 11% to $2.4 billion. Stock down 25% in past 12 months. Invested $125 million in Web software outfit Netsuite; took public in 2007, stock has fallen 80% since. His shares still worth $300 million. Chicago native studied physics at U. of Chicago, didn’t graduate. Started Oracle in 1977. Public 1986, a day before Microsoft. Owns 453-foot Rising Sun; built a smaller leisure boat because superyacht is hard to park. Squabbling in court with Swiss boating billionaire Ernesto Bertarelli over terms of next America’s Cup. Recently unveiled hulking 90-foot trimaran he intends to use to win it.
5. Ingvar Kamprad & family

Net Worth : $22.0 bil
Fortune : self made
Source : Ikea
Age : 83
Country Of Citizenship : Sweden
Residence : Lausanne
Industry : Retail
Education : NA,
Marital Status : married, 4 children
Peddled matches, fish, pens, Christmas cards and other items by bicycle as a teenager. Started selling furniture in 1947. Opened first Ikea store 50 years ago; stores’s name is a combination of initials of his first and last name, his family farm and the nearest village. Retired in 1986; company’s “senior adviser” still reportedly works tirelessly on his brand. Discount retailer now sells 9,500 items in 36 countries; prints catalog in 27 languages. Revenues up 7% to $27.4 billion in fiscal year 2008. Opened tenth store in China this February; planning to open first in Dominican Republic later this year. Three sons all work at the company. Thrifty entrepreneur flies economy class, frequents cheap restaurants and furnishes his home mostly with Ikea products.

6. Karl Albrecht

Net Worth : $21.5 bil
Fortune : self made
Source : Aldi
Age : 89
Country Of Citizenship : Germany
Residence : Mulheim an der Ruhr
Industry : Retail
Education : NA,
Marital Status:married, 2 children Germany’s richest person owns discount supermarket giant Aldi Sud. Retailer faring well amid economic downturn; analysts expect its 2008 sales to be up 9.4% to $33.7 billion. Sales in the U.S. up estimated 20% last year to $7 billion. Plans to open 75 U.S. stores in 2009, including first in New York City. With younger brother, Theo, transformed their mother’s corner grocery store into Aldi after World War II. Brothers split ownership in 1961; Karl took the stores in southern Germany, plus the rights to the brand in the U.K., Australia and the U.S. Theo got northern Germany and the rest of Europe. Retired from daily operations. Fiercely private: little known about him other than that he apparently raises orchids and plays golf.
7. Mukesh Ambani

Net Worth : $19.5 bil
Fortune : inherited and growing
Source : petrochemicals
Age : 51
Country Of Citizenship : India
Residence : Mumbai
Industry : Manufacturing
Education : University of Bombay, Bachelor of Arts / Science, Stanford University, Drop Out
Marital Status : married, 3 children
Oversees Reliance Industries, India’s most valuable company by market cap despite stock falling 40% in past year. Merging his Reliance Petroleum with flagship Reliance Industries. As part of deal, will exercise right to buy back Chevron’s 5% stake in Reliance Petroleum at $1.20 per share—the same price at which he sold it 3 years ago. Today the stock trades for $1.80 a share. Increased stake in Reliance Industries in October; paid $3.4 billion to convert 120 million preferential warrants into shares. Reliance Petroleum refinery on India’s western coast began operating in December despite falling global demand and declining margins. Late father Dhirubhai founded Reliance and built it into a massive conglomerate. After he died Mukesh and his brother, Anil, ran the family business together for a brief time. But siblings feuded over control; mother eventually brokered split of assets. Brothers may be looking to bury hatchet; played joint hosts at mother’s recent 75th-birthday bash. Has yet to move into his 27-story home that he’s building at a reported cost of $1 billion. Ardent fan of Bollywood films. Wife, Nita, oversees school named after his father.
8. Lakshmi Mittal

Net Worth : $19.3 bil
Fortune : inherited and growing
Source : steel
Age : 58
Country Of Citizenship : India
Residence : London
Industry : Steel
Education : St Xavier’s College Calcutta, Bachelor of Arts / Science,
Marital Status : married, 2 children
Indian immigrant heads world’s largest steel company; ArcelorMittal was formed via hostile takeover 3 years ago. Stock in company makes up bulk of his fortune; shares at a 4-year low with steel prices down 75% since last summer. Company forced to pay heavy fines after a French antitrust investigation found 10 companies guilty of price-fixing in European steel markets. Arcelor posted $2.6 billion loss in most recent quarter; announced plans to slow acquisitions, cut capital expenditures, pay down debt. Started in family steel business in the 1970s, branched out on his own in 1994. Initially bought up steel mills on the cheap in Eastern Europe. Company bought 19.9% stake in Australia’s Macarthur Coal last year. Also owns pieces of Mumbai’s Indiabulls Group, London’s RAB Capital; owns stake in, sits on board of Goldman Sachs. Holds substantial cash; owns 12-bedroom mansion in London’s posh Kensington neighborhood.
9. Theo Albrecht

Net Worth : $18.8 bil
Fortune : self made
Source : Aldi, Trader Joe’s
Age : 87
Country Of Citizenship : Germany
Residence : Foehr
Industry : Retail
Education : NA,
Marital Status : married, 2 children
Runs discount supermarket group Aldi Nord; firm holding up amid economic downturn. Sales expected to hit $31 billion in 2008. After World War II he and older brother Karl transformed their mother’s corner grocery into Aldi. Brothers split ownership in 1961; Karl took the stores in southern Germany, plus the rights to the brand in the U.K., Australia and the U.S. Theo got the northern Germany stores and the rest of Europe. Unable to operate Aldi stores in U.S., Theo developed discount food store Trader Joe’s; now has more than 320 U.S. stores. Also owns stake in Supervalu. Became a recluse after being kidnapped for 17 days in 1971; said to collect old typewriters; loves golf.
10. Amancio Ortega

Net Worth : $18.3 bil
Fortune : self made
Source : Zara
Age : 73
Country Of Citizenship : Spain
Residence : La Coruna
Industry : Retail
Education : NA,
Marital Status : married, 3 children
Railway worker’s son started as a gofer in a shirt store. With then-wife Rosalia Mera, also now a billionaire, started making dressing gowns and lingerie in their living room. Business became one of world’s most successful apparel manufacturers. Today Inditex has more than 4,000 stores in 71 countries. Sales: $12.3 billion. Ortega is chairman. Company exported its cheap chic Zara stores to 4 new markets last year: Ukraine, South Korea, Montenegro and Honduras. Stock up 1% in past 12 months, but fortune down because of weak euro. Also has personal investments in gas, tourism, banks and real estate. Owns properties in Madrid, Paris, London, Lisbon, plus a luxury hotel and apartment complex in Miami, a horse-jumping circuit, and an interest in a soccer league. Shuns neckties and fanfare. Daughter Marta works for Inditex; recent speculation suggests she is being groomed to eventually replace her father.
Sumber : www.forbes.com

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